Just A Line

by William J. Harvey

May 1, 1959

Dear Joe,

Meeting you at the party the other night was more than a surprise to me. George's friends are usually so dull. I wonder if you realize just how fresh and vital you appeared in that group. I am taking great liberties by writing to you but then I could not keep still. Hope you will not be offended. At any rate we must see one another some evening soon if you think you can arrange it.

Dear Joe,

Sincerely, Bill

May 7, 1959

It was so very nice of you to acknowledge my little note with a letter. More and more you tend to surprise me or am I repeating myself. Well if you actually believe that George shall not mind, I do think I can arrange for dinner this Tuesday night, at a very nice place I have been to several times myself. Please call me if this is alright with you.

Dearest Joe,

Sincerely, Bill

May 12, 1959

I cannot remember ever having spent so lovely an evening you were so right in not wanting to be formal and sweeping me off to that perfectly charming restaurant. There in the quaint atmosphere of a cellar I do not think anyone save you could have made it so wonderful. My memory slips back often now to the candlelight, the wine, but most of all to you. I am keeping next week completely free just in case you might decide to call. After so many foolish nights with others who did not nor could not appreciate life I am proud to have spent one night with a real person.


Love, Bill